Saturday 29 January 2011


 Liriopes look like little purple soldiers, all standing to attention. they grow really well under trees and look impressive one month after summer solstice

Sunday 23 January 2011

Crown of gold tree

This Barklya syringifolia is growing in Turramurra in Sydney, a long way from the heat of Brisbane where it is more commonly seen. The flowering is coming to an end in late January. It is in a warm protected courtyard.

Monday 17 January 2011

Wavy white bracts

The white bracts wave around in the wind and say to pollinators, 'come over here'. On these hot summer days this Mussaenda flutters in the welcome breeze with a wave to our friends in the UK.

Monday 10 January 2011

Summer, hot and humid

This yellow flower grows prolifically and is there to attract pollinators

The lemon tree is developing fruit

Curcubits have their flowers. How long till fruit develops.