Monday, 27 June 2011

Eucalyptus Sydney Blue gum

This magnificent tree has been able to grow unimpeded for space and shows the true spread of branches for the species. It is located  in North Sydney in the Ku-ring-gai National Park at Kalkari visitors centre near Bobbin Head.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Textured garden

An artist's garden. My friend likes to have plants with texture or variegations, shrubs of different colours  and a variety of heights. This garden looks like a painting.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Leopard Tree

This Leopard tree is in a neighbour's yard. The photo only shows the bark, that gives the tree its name. It has a lovely canopy of fine leaves. It is a tree from Brazil and has yellow flowers and is supposed to be deciduous but we have mild winters and it has not lost any leaves yet.
BBright yellow flowers held on the ends of stems, bark is a dappled grey through brown, giving the tree the appearance of a leopard, hence the name. Develops relatively large shiny seed pods

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Autumn colours

Liquid Ambers, Ginkoes and bins in colours to reflect the trees.

At the end of May the colours are ending. These Pistachio chinensis are kept as multi stemmed shrubs

Friday, 3 June 2011

Winter is wet

This beautiful fungus looks like white flowers from a distance. It grows on rotting wood in the bush near us. The incredible amount of rain has softened the wood and the warmth has allowed the growth. Our temperature range is 7° to 19°  centigrade