Tuesday 25 September 2012


Iris after rain

Paintings of plants

I have decided to expand the types of pictures on this blog and include plant art and stories.
Yasmin painted this rose.



So here is the first art post.

Today 5 days after spring equinox, Azaleas, wisteria and cliveas are in bloom.
The native flowers of grevillea are spectacular.
It hasn't rained for a month.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Winter solstice 2012

Winter in our neighbourhood is mild. Some exotic trees are deciduous but the Australian natives hold their leaves. The best splash of colour today is from two clumps of red hot pokers in nearby gardens.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Poinsettia in June. (Euphorbia)

Poinsettias or euphorbias bloom freely when the nights are long. This was taken on a magnificent winter day in the Pittwater area north of Sydney. We were enjoying a magnificent bushwalk and visited this little town to find really friendly locals.

This poinsettia is growing in a sheltered position 

The same magnificent specimen from further back in Sydney in June, early winter.
Poinsettia growing in exposed area, with fewer bracts.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

April in Eastern Australia

This amazing flower is about 10 centimetres wide. it was on a vine in Queensland.

Stunning colours in autumn

Autumn has the colours of Tibouchina, Chinese Lantern and  Hibiscus.
 Bright purple, yellow, bright pink and orange flowers.

Yellow Chinese Lantern
