Thursday 5 June 2014

Presly was a wonderful village. The people there are absolutely marvellous. Our thanks are huge.
May 2014

Tuesday 3 June 2014

The German gardens May 2014


Peonies in Kurt& Ruth's yard

                Peony in the warm garden, Ersten

Germany was delightful. The days are long in Europe at this time of year and the plants have sun from about 5:30 until 9:30 pm. So the growth is phenomenal. Peonies, cornflowers and every plant with soft leaves that you can imagine. 
Our friends were immensely kind and gave us many great meals, good company and many excursions to the best sights of the area.

Thursday 29 May 2014

German countryside

May 2014. Last week we were in Germany, in the area of Kassel.
The villages were Furstenwald, Ersten and Calden.
The weather was marvellous for Spring and we had a wonderful time with friends.

At the Tierpark in Sababurg we were invited to the opening of the new Elk lodge. It is made of enormous logs of wood and was very warm and solid.
In the park we also visited the reindeer which were very special. 
Elk Lodge 

Wednesday 26 March 2014

back in action

It has been a long time. Feel inspired again. More plants, more food and a desire to learn huge amounts about Geraniums.
My garden became clogged with old plants and now I have taken many out, there is room for more creative fun.

The tomatoes germinated fantastically from fresh seed but now I have to over winter them.
Next spring they should bloom when the day length is correct. Or is it a temperature thing i.e. cold winter then warming into spring?

My cuttings are taking and now I have to find places to put them.

The geranium plan is developing but there is a long way to go.

The flowers in the garden are blooming, perhaps a final flush before winter.

26 March 2014